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The Story of Ubo

I met UBO. At seven years old, Ubo worked as though she were an adult, cooking and cleaning. One day I decided to have a little chat with her.  I took her photograph and when I showed her the picture. She told me, “I didn’t know I was so beautiful.” She had never seen her own image. Her name, in our native language of Oromo means “beautiful.” I choked back my tears. That was the day I made the decision to do all I could to make sure that no girl would grow up without knowing how beautiful she is or having the opportunity to go to school. And especially, no girl would be a victim of gender based violence, being forced into marriage at an early age, premature childbirth and illiteracy. I wanted to give Ubo and girls like her the vibrant life of opportunity they deserve.”  Lily

UBO today now literate and working.

Life should not only be about living, but also about giving.

- Lily