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Lily was awarded by the Dalai Lama on behalf of Unsung Heroes of Compassion for her remarkable dedication to alleviating the suffering of others without expecting anything in return. This prestigious event celebrates the extraordinary efforts of individuals who selflessly devote themselves to making a difference in the world. It serves as a powerful call to action, reminding us that we all have the ability to shape the well-being of our communities and the world through acts of kindness and compassion.

The recipients of this award demonstrate a quiet dedication to others and a strong belief in the importance of caring for under-served communities. Their inspiring actions are bringing about positive change, inspiring others to follow their lead and step up in their own communities.

see that the impact Tangible Hope has on their lives is profound,” he says in an email. “I was struck by the pride the families have for their daughters and the immense grat- itude they have for Lily for helping their daughters live a healthier life. You could see the sparkle of life in the eyes of the girls who are a part of Tangible Hope….” Mr. Ryan also notes Yoseph’s commit- ment. “She works tirelessly to achieve her goal of educating and empowering young girls,” he says.

A broader mission Yoseph also speaks about a broader mis- sion that Tangible Hope is part of.“There is a movement, and a growing understanding, worldwide about the impor- tance of the education of women,” she says. “I truly believe that education of women is the key to world peace. Through education and empowerment of women across all re- ligions, tribes, and cultures, we will find the common ground where reason triumphs over hatred.”

Still, the young girls in Kofele, Ubo included, remain at the heart of Yoseph’s passion. “These girls had no voice and no choice before Tangible Hope,” Yoseph ex- plains. “Now, they are writing poetry; they are singing. They have dreams for their lives. They will be teachers, doctors … One wants to be a pilot.”She adds, “I am motivated by them ev- ery day.”

Hands Project - Artist Suzanne Gooch helps the girls create a wall mural illustrating the loving, hands on community effort that is Tangible Hope.

Tree Planting Project- The girls are participating in tree project to make a greener place to live and grow.

Clean-up Project- The girls are participating in a village clean-up project to make it a cleaner place to live and grow.